Jobs at Resource Intermediaries Limited (RIL), Thursday 25, February 2016
Resource Intermediaries Limited (RIL) is a company registered in Nigeria to engage in outsourcing services. We focus on three key areas; Human Resource Management, People Placement and Learning & Development
1.Have a moderate combination of skills in mechanical and electrical matters
2. Be able to coordinate installation, maintenance and repair work in facility.
3. Be able to oversee workers (cleaners, gardeners etc) to ensure smooth work flow
4. Be able to keep record of maintenance and repair work done on the facility
5. Be able to take delivery of and ensure accuracy of diesel supply.
6. Be able to schedule regular maintenance practice on equipment and facility, and detect repeat malfunctioning.
7. Conduct regular inspection to identify faulty equipment and perform repairs.
8. Escalate issues which require more technical know- how
9. Endeavour in all cases to keep maximum downtime within 24 hours.
10. Any other function as assigned by the Business Manager
1. Promptly retrieve and supply balls for players or officials during sport sessions on the turf.
2. Ensure that bibs and all Funturf equipment are clean and always in good condition for use
3. Must be in possession of a spare ball at every time for easy replenishments during soccer sessions
4. Ensure that the turf is clean and suitable for use before any game is played on the turf
5. Any other duty as assigned by the Business Manager.
1. He must be able to work in harmony with and stand in for the Head Coach during times of unavailability.
2. Spot problem areas that may have been overlooked by Head Coach
3. Works under the direction of the Head Coach and Business Manager
4. Generate ideas that would constantly sell Funturf to clients
5. Aid players to develop technical skills. Instill in the players the spirit of the game.
6. In association with the head coach, plan strategies and the game
7. Equip players in training drills during the practice session
8. Any other function as assigned by the Business Manager
1. Produce personalised training programmes for client teams.
2. Provide suitable feedback, balancing through criticism with positivity and motivation.
3. Assess strengths and weaknesses in a participant’s performance and identifying areas for further development
4. Adapt to technical soccer needs and interests of groups or individual participants
5. Communicate on and off the pitch instructions and commands using clear, simple languages
6. Encourage participants to gain and develop skills, knowledge and technique.
6. Ensure a high standard of health and safety at all times for client participants
7. Inspire confidence and self-belief -the type that keeps participants psychologically attached to the turf.
8. Develop knowledge and understanding of fitness, injury, sports psychology, nutrition and sports science
9. Act as a role model, gaining the respect and trust of clients, as individuals or as a team
10. Find appropriate competitions for clients entertainment and stimulate corresponding sponsorship
11. Act as sole liason for up-to-date and relevant sports information especially soccer information.
12. Acts as referee in most instances where there are no referees available.
13. Ability to detect problem areas whether with the turf or general administration and report it before damage occurs
14. Develop and maintain a junior soccer academy
15. Market Funture and it’s programmes positively to existing clients or teams
16. Any other function as assigned by the Business Manager
DUE DATE: 24 March, 2016
Jobs at Resource Intermediaries Limited (RIL), Thursday 25, February 2016
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