Sample Medical Sales Resumes - An Effective Beginning
The beginning section of a resume is very important as it sets up the rest of the document. For example, here is a sample beginning of one of the most effective medical sales resumes I’ve seen. It was modeled after a similar resume that was successfully used in real life by an experienced pharmaceutical medical sales representative who got a promotion to a senior position responsible for the largest medical teaching center in the country.
The first part of the sample medical sales resume for Jane Doe is reproduced below.
100 Somestreet Dr., Somecity, Somestate, USA 12121
Tel: 999-999-9999 jane @
A successful and seasoned pharmaceutical medical sales professional with strong backgrounds in multiple therapeutic areas including cardiology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, nephrology as well as family medicine. Consistently high achiever with multiple awards for sales performances. Experienced in organizing high quality continuing medical education programs and hospital rounds for healthcare professionals.
All of her contact information is stated at the top. Her profile statement above clearly describes her as a very accomplished pharmaceutical medical sales representative and this type of statement is ideal for individuals who are going after more senior positions within the same industry. She already has experience in dealing with several medical specialties which is a real plus for her.
This profile statement sets up the rest of the resume announcing that Jane is a successful medical sales professional which makes reviewers eager to read the rest of her resume in detail. Therefore, the profile statement at the beginning of a resume is a very important part and time should be taken to carefully craft it in order to introduce the job candidate with a bang right from the very start.
But it should be stressed that this type of tactic should be used only for those individuals with relevant experience and a good track record. This style of resume is best used when going after promotions or similar positions at other companies within the same industry. For those who are hoping to enter a new industry for the first time, tactics other than using a profile statement would be recommended, particularly for medical sales resumes.
Sample Medical Sales Resumes - An Effective Beginning
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