The Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geosciences, Jos was established by the Federal Government of Nigeria as
a Centre of Excellence for professional Training and Research in all aspects of mining and Geosciences. The institute is equipped with facilities required for acquisition of practical skills in mineral resources development. It focuses on producing skilled manpower for the emerging mining industry, therefore, the institute adopts deep, practical orientation by providing intensive field and laboratory training for all its students.
Applications are hereby invited form suitably qualified candidates for the position of:
Lapidary Instructor
- Candidate should possess a minimum of ordinary National Diploma (OND) in any discipline in the Mining and Mineral sector and an internationally recognized certificate in Lapidary and gemstone cutting and polishing
- Computer literacy is required for this positions.
Senior Lecturer
- Candidates for this position must possess a MSc preferably a PhD degree with twenty years post- National Youth Service, teaching and research experience.
- They must also have a reasonable number of publications in national and international outlets, In addition, they must show evidence of research direction or supervision at the post-graduate, especially Masters Level.
- Computer literacy is required for this positions.
Assistance Director of Extension Services and Development
- The Assistant Director of Extension Services and Development will report to the Deputy Director, Extension Services and Development.
- S/he will be responsible for planning and execution of Extension Services programmes as well as effective management of Mining Community resources Centre facilities of the institute.
- S/he would liaise with the local mining Industry to identify and study minerals resources in Nigeria.
- S/he will assist the Director/CEO in identifying appropriate institution for partnerships and linkages with the institute.
Qualification and Experience
- Candidate must possess a MSc degree, preferably in Minerals, Mining or Environmental Engineering.
- S/he must have a minimum of twenty (20) years demonstrated practical experience in the mining industry and be interested in undertaking field work in the general area of geosciences, mineral and mining engineering.
- The Candidate should be able to plan and develop appropriate skills programmes relevant to the Nigerian mining sector.
- Computer literacy is required for this positions.
Assistance Director of Research
- The Assistant Director of research will report to the deputy Director, Training and Research.
- S/he will be responsible for planning and execution of research programmes as well as effective management of research facilities of the institute.
- S/he would liaise with the local mining to identify and study major technical issues affecting the development of solid minerals resources in Nigeria.
- S/he will assist the Director/CEO in identifying appropriate institutions for promoting partnership and linkages with the institute.
- Candidate must possess a Ph.d degree, preferably in Geology, Mineral Processing or Mining Engineering.
- S/he must have a minimum of twenty years demonstrated practical experience in teaching and be interested in undertaking research programmes relevant to the Nigerian mining sector.
- Computer literacy is required for this positions.
Method of Application
Interested Candidates are requested to submit 15 copies of application and current curriculum vitae which should contain the following:
- Full names (surname first in block letters)
- Post applied for
- Place and date of birth
- Marital status
- Number of children and their ages
- Nationality and state of origin (if a Nigerian)
- Contact details (including GSM Numbers and E-mail)
- Permanent home address
- Institutions attended with dates
- Academic and professional qualifications with dates
- Working experience with dates
- Present employment status and salary
- List of publications where applicable
- Extra curriculum activities
- Names and addresses of three (3) referees (Applicants should request their referees forward their report under separate confidential cover)
All applications should be addressed to:
The Director/CEO,
Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geosciences Jos,
No. 1, Metropolitan Avenue,
P.M.B. 2183,
Plateau State.
N.B: Applicants should indicate at the top left hand corner of their envelopes the position they are applying for and note that only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.
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