The Federal Government of Nigeria has secured a loan front the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the implementation of Agricultural
Transformation Agenda Support Program Phase-I (ATASP-I). The ATASP-I will contribute to the objectives of the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) of the Federal Government by addressing the constraints of Rice. Sorghum and Cassava value chains in four staple crop processing zones of Adani-Omor, Bida-Badeggi, Kano-Jigawa and Kebbi-Sokoto. The Program comprises three complementary and mutually reinforcing components viz: Infrastructure Development; Commodity Value Chain Development; and Program Management. The specific objective of the program is to contribute to food and nutrition security, employment generation, and wealth creation along the priority commodity value chains.
The Program will be implemented through four (4) Zonal Offices. The Zones are: Adani-Omor with Head Office at Awka: Bida-Badeggi with Head Office at Bida; Kano-Jigawa with Head Office at Kano and Kebbi-Sokoto with Head Officer at Birnin Kebbi.
For effective Zonal Program take-off the ATASP-I is constituting a Zonal Program Coordination ream (ZPCT) at each of the 4Nos Zonal Program Head Offices. Consequently, part of the proceeds of the ATASP-I loan will be applied to engage the services of Officers at each of the four (4) Zonal Program Head Offices:
Zonal Outreach Officer
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Zonal Outreach Officer will plan, coordinate and supervise implementation of agricultural activities, particularly the agronomic aspects, in addition to delivery of agricultural services in the field, including research and extension.
Specific Duties
- Support the work of the ATASP-l in the area rim food crops, especially rice, sorghum, cassava and vegetables.
- Support the Seed Bank program in the area of rice seed production and certification.
- Work with the Agriculture Research Institutes under the Outreach Program to assemble or collate information on all seed varieties tested and approved previously in Nigeria and facilitate the testing of new seed varieties: multiplication, adaptation, testing and observation nurseries farmers’ fields during the growing period.
- Train Agriculture staff and newly hired staff as needed.
- Participate in the development of manuals on agronomic practices of major food crops in Nigeria.
- Guide and supervise activities of private sector/NGO service providers in time field.
- In collaboration with Research Institutes, guide amid supervise the introduction of new food crop varieties and planting materials from the Africa Rice Centre and the international Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and other regional research centers for adaptation to the local environment.
- Propose agronomic and environmental implementation guidelines for various agriculture activities.
- Participate in environmental impact assessment of project activities is collaboration with she Ministry of Environment and other relevant stakeholders.
- Participate in technical discussions and activities pertaining to the design of agriculture activities and programs and in the implementation of programs and projects in the held.
- Assist in carrying out other tasks as assigned by the Zonal Program Coordinator and or National Outreach Specialist at the NPCT.
Qualification and Experience
- At least a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture. A Master’s degree in Agronomy will he added advantage.
- At least 8 years work experience in rural-based agricultural development activities.
- Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, co-ordinate, monitor, and report on his/Her own work plan.
- Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines.
- Self motivated, Team player, able to work with minimum supervision.
- Willingness to work in rural settings.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication outreach skills.
- Computer literacy with proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Word and Excel.
- Familiarity with results-based management.
- Working knowledge of the operational modalities of national and international NGO’s is desirable.
Location and Reporting
Officers of the ATASP-1 will be located at the Zonal Program Headquarters, reporting to their respective Zonal Program Coordinators.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Civil Engineer
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Zonal Civil Engineer will be responsible for all social infrastructure (e.g health centres. schools, market stalls end engineering activities relating to the Program.
Specific Duties
- The Zonal Civil Engineer would be responsible for activities relating to rehabilitation-development of feeder roads, and social infrastructure under the Program. He/she will report to the Zonal Program Coordinator and work in collaboration with die Zonal Gender and Social Development Officer, Zonal Irrigation and Rural Infrastructure Engineer as well as other external implementation partners. The specific responsibilities of the Zonal Civil Engineer will include, but not limited to, the following:
- Be responsible for the implementation of feeder roads, and social infrastructure such as schools and health centres.
- Follow-up on procurement of goods and services for all social infrastructure projects. In liaison with the Procurement officer, prepare and/or assist implementing agencies in the preparation of TOR, bidding document, request for proposals and bid evaluation reports for procurement of civil works, and technical assistance services under the infrastructure rehabilitation and development component in accordance with standards and requirements of AfDB;
- Undertake inspection of works to verify quality, quantity and timeliness of work done and prepare and/or verify payment certificates for service providers engaged on social infrastructure related activities.
- Identify the various social infrastructure activities for which short- term expertise is required and prepare detailed TOR for the required specialist input.
- Ensure that the maintenance program of social arid related infrastructure is properly designed and put in place appropriate mechanisms for its execution during arid after the project, in accordance with the stipulation f the appraisal report.
- Collaborate with the Irrigation and Infrastructure Engineer to work in liaison with the Ministry of Environment to ensure that environmental mitigation measures are implemented as part of infrastructure rehabilitation and development, as well as conducting regular environmental monitoring activities
- Contribute relevant content to Project Progress Reports. Liaise with the relevant Zonal and Local Government Officers, the Zonal irrigation and Infrastructure Engineer as well as the Program Monitoring Officer to prepare quarterly, hi-annual and annual progress reports, as well as mid-term review report for infrastructure development and management.
- Participate actively in AfDB supervision missions by collecting amid providing relevant social infrastructure implementation progress data mind information required by the missions.
- Assist with preparing training modules and course requirements for the Communities, Zonal and Local government staff in liaison with training service providers and provide technical suppers to the trainers.
- Liaise with program stakeholders and other relevant projects/programs, state agencies, NGO’s, private sector, and other parties in order to facilitate program implementation.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering.
- At least 8 years proven work experience in supervising civil works, including social infrastructure delivery in rural settings.
- Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate, and monitor his or her own work plan and to collaborate with colleagues across operating units.
- Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines.
- Results focused and self motivated professional with proven ability to work under minimum guidance.
- Computer literate with excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, especially Microsoft Project, Excel, Word, in addition to relevant AUTOCAD engineering designs software.
- Demonstrated skills in handling the design, supervision and construction of social infrastructure (e.g schools, health centres, market stalls etc).
- Exhibition of these skills under a donor-assisted project setting will be an Excellent interpersonal, writing, communication and presentation skills.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Gender and Social Development Officer
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Zonal Gender and Social Development Officer will ensure effective gender mainstreaming in all project activities, including the mobilization of project beneficiaries in the zone to understand the philosophy and program implementation arrangements so as to ensure their full participation.
Specific Duties
Specific responsibilities of the Zonal Gender and Social Development Officer will include, but are not limited to, the following:
- In collaboration with the M&E officer and other zonal staff, ensure effective gender mainstreaming in all project activities, including its alignment with the program’s M&E system
- Ensure that all training and capacity building activities take cognizance of gender needs and include such approaches that would facilitate the effective participation of women
- a Undertake field visits in order to contribute gender aggregated data to quarterly and annual monitoring reports.
- Provide technical support to the formation and strengthening of Commodity groups to achieve program objectives
- Carry Out any tasks as may be assigned by the Zonal Program coordinator and/or the Gender and Social Development Specialist on the NPCT.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least a Bachelor’s degree in Rural Development, Sociology, Extension and/or related disciplines with demonstrated practical experience as Gender expert in a donor-funded agricultural project/program.
- A Masters degree of cognate post graduate qualification in gender studies will be added advantage.
- Minimum of 8 years experience as a Gender officer in a multilateral donor funded project or program.
- A good knowledge of agricultural value chains is an added advantage
- He/she must exhibit experience in conducting gender analysis, gender assessments, gender research and facilitation of gender training.
- Demonstrated ability to plan and co-ordinate. and monitor his/her own work plan, including meeting deadlines.
- Self-motivated with ability to work under minimum supervision.
- High proficiency with Microsoft Office Suit is essential.
- Excellent team player with interpersonal, advocacy and social mobilization skills,
- Proficiency in English language with excellent writing and communication skills.
Location and Reporting
Officers of the ATASP-1 will be located at the Zonal Program Headquarters, reporting to their respective Zonal Program Coordinators.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Irrigation/Rural Infrastructure Engineer
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Irrigation/Rural Infrastructure Engineer will be responsible for all irrigation and rural infrastructure engineering activities relating to the Program at the Zone.
Specific Duties
The litigation and Infrastructure Engineer would be responsible for activities relating to rehabilitation/development of irrigation, micro-hydropower, potable water supply infrastructure under the Program at the Zone. He/she will report to the Zonal Program Coordinator and work in collaboration with the Ministry of Water Resources and other external implementation partners. The specific rcsponsibi1ties of the Engineer will include hut not limited to the following:
- Be responsible for the implementation of irrigation, potable water supply and associated energy infrastructure.
- Follow-up on procurement of goods and services for all infrastructure projects. In liaison with the Procurement officer, prepare and or assist implementing agencies in the preparation of TOR, bidding documents, request for proposals and hid evaluation reports for procurement of civil works, goods and technical assistance services tinder the agricultural infrastructure rehabilitation and development component in accordance with standards and requirements of AfDB;
- Undertake inspection of works to verify quality, quantity and timeliness of work done and prepare and/or verify pavement certificates for service providers engaged on project irrigation and other infrastructure related activities.
- Identify the various infrastructure activities fur which short-term expertise is required: prepare detailed TOR for the required specialist input.
- Ensure that the maintenance program of irrigation and related infrastructure is properly designed and put in place appropriate mechanisms for its execution during and after the project, in accordance with the stipulation of the appraisal report.
- In liaison with the Ministry of Environment, ensure that environmental mitigation measures are implemented as part of infrastructure rehabilitation and development, as well as conducting regular environmental monitoring activities.
- Contribute relevant consent to Project Progress Reports. Liaise with the Zonal and Local Government Agriculture Offices as well as the Program Monitoring Officer to prepare quarterly, bi-annual and annual progress reports, as well as mid-term review report for infrastructure development and management.
- Participate actively in AfDB supervision missions by collecting amid providing infrastructure implementation progress data and information required by the missions.
- Assist with preparing water management training modules and course requirements for the Communities. Zonal and Local Government staff in liaison with training service providers and provide technical support to the trainers.
- Liaise with program stakeholders and other relevant projects, programs, state agencies. NGO’s, private sector, and other parties in order to facilitate program implementation.
- Assist in organizing Zonal Steering Committee meetings and preparing records.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least a Bachelors Degree in Irrigation, Water and/or Hydraulic Engineering.
- At least 8 years proven work experience in rural infrastructure development including rural water supply/irritation amid energy infrastructure.
- Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate, and monitor his or her own work plan and to collaborate with colleagues across operating units.
- Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines.
- Results focused and self motivated professional with proven ability to work under minimum guidance.
- Computer literate with excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, especially Microsoft Protect, Excel, Word, AUTOCAD in addition to other water/hydraulic engineering design software.
- Excellent writing and presentation skills
- Excellent interpersonal skills.
- Knowledge of design and construction of irrigation infrastructure, particularly for rice production (upland and swamp) and potable water supply facilities.
- Knowledge of renewable/alternative energy systems such as micro-hydro power, solar amid biogas is desirable.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Program Accountant
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Zonal Program Accountant will be responsible for overseeing the management and administration of Program finances.
Specific Duties:
- Ensure the program’s financial procedures, as detailed in the Program Implementation and Financial Manuals are strictly adhered to by all program staff and implementing partners at the state level.
- Facilitate the timely disbursement of program funds to various units.
- Prepare Statement of Expenditures (SOE5) for timely preparation of withdrawal applications.
- Maintenance of up to date accounting and financial records in accordance with the project’s accounting system, including journals. ledgers, fixed asset registers, etc.
- Responsible for the safe custody of petty cash and documents.
- Reconcile accounts and prepare financial statements.
- Ensure timely closure of accounts at the end of the month and prepare a reconciliation statement and submit that updated account to the management.
- Responsible for verifying the eligibility and accuracy of all payments.
- Ensure compliance with donor requirements in the processing of funds for project activities (including advances and payments to service providers) as well as timely processing and payment to intended beneficiaries.
- Liaise with various department/Units to prepare the periodic financial report on the standard format and submits to the ZPC, who will forward to the NPC for further necessary action.
- Produce monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports,
- Prepare for and coordinate and supervise all financial and administrative audits in a timely manner
- Ensure that all supporting documents used in request for funds replenishment as well as payments for projects activities, goods. works and services are properly kept.
- Perform other tasks as may be assigned front time to time by the Zonal Program Coordinator and/or by the National Program Accountant on the NPCT.
Qualifications and Experience
- A Bachelor’s degree in accounting as well as membership of a recognized accounting body (eg. ICAN, ANAN, CPA,ACA, ACCA, ACMA).
- At least 10 years of relevant work experience, preferably in a donor assisted project/program. A working knowledge of AfDB financial regulations will be added advantage
- Familiarity with public sector financial management systems in government and multi lateral operations.
- Comprehensive computer skills with practical knowledge of Microsoft Officef (especially Word & Excel) and Accounting Software.
- He/She must be a Team player and open to learning new techniques.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Zonal Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will implement the Program Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Zone.
Specific Duties:
The Zonal M&E Officer will generally ensure the effective monitoring of project processes, activities, outputs, outcomes/impacts by undertaking the following specific responsibilities:
- Ensure a proper flow of information to and from the ZPIU, especially the provision of timely and adequate information for decision-tasking by Project Management.
- Participate in the preparation of Annual and Quarterly Work Program in liaison with the Zonal Program Accountant and with the support and inputs from other technical officers, for the consolidation and preparation of the Work Plans and Budgets.
- The Annual Work Plan and Budget must be prepared and submitted to NPC by the end of September of every year.
- The Zonal M & Ii Officer will also be responsible for the timely preparation of quarterly and annual project implementation and any other reports that may be required for project implementation and or assessment
- Participate in AfDB missions and providing all M&E information required by the missions in accordance with requirements.
- Prepare result-focused zonal quarterly Monitoring Reports on all aspects of project implementation and progress.
- In collaboration with the Zonal Gender and Social Development Officer, ensure effective gender mainstreaming in project activities
- Assist in providing coordination between various program components at the zonal level to ensure achievement of overall program objectives.
- Carry out any other activities that are assigned by the tonal Program Coordinator and;or the M&E Specialist on the NPCT.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least an MSc in Social Science, Agricultural Economics. Statistics, or related discipline.
- Specialized post graduate training in project management M&E will be added advantage.
- Minimum of 8 years work experience in bilateral or multilateral donor- funded project/programnme with at least 5 years of specific responsibility as M&E Specialist with adequate working knowledge of project logical framework to track inputs process, output and impacts.
- Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, co-ordinate, and monitor his/her own work plan and to collaborate with colleagues across operating units.
- Demonstrated ability to work under pressure and achieve results under right deadline.
- Self-motivated team player with excellent interpersonal skills
- Computer proficiency in Microsoft Excel, MS Access, and MS Project is essential
- Ability to develop, install and manage database.
- Proficiency in English language with excellent writing, communication and presentation skills.
Location and Reporting
Officers of the ATASP-1 will be located at the Zonal Program Headquarters, reporting to their respective Zonal Program Coordinators.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Program Coordinator
Main Responsibilities
- The Zonal Program Coordinator will be responsible toe the overall management and implementation of the Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Program Phase I (ATASP-I) at the Zone.
- He/She will also be responsible for managing the team of experts within the ZPCT and ensuring their performance and that of the service providers hired to implement program activities.
- A key element of the position will be to ensure that the Program achieves its development objectives.
Specific Duties
- Coordinate and supervise all Zonal activities of the ATASP- I, in direct liaison with the National Program Coordinator (NPC).
- Organize and conduct program coordination meetings, as well as facilitating the Zonal Steering Committee (ZSC), including providing all information required by the committee and acting as the secretary for the committee.
- Responsible for efficient and effective management of project resources, including being signatory to the program accounts.
- Coordinate the recruitment of technical assistants to fill the positions in the ATASP-l, required for implementation of the program at the zone.
- Appraise ATASP- I renal technical staff on regular basis on job performance and otherwise, and ensure effective supervision of other contracted service providers.
- With the assistance and guidance of the zonal procurement officer, take full responsibility for procurement of services in project implementation.
- As the head of the renal program implementation team, coordinate and supervise time activities of implementing Partners, in particular NGOs and Consultant Technical Services Providers (TSPs) to ensure effective delivery of Programs services.
- Promote collaboration with other partners, including the private sector. in program implementation.
- Ensure effective planning and execution of program activities its accordance with the appraisal report and loan / grant agreements. Prepare Zonal Annual Work Plan and Budgets (AWPBs) and Procurement Plans for approval by the Zonal Programs Steering Committee: and ensure submission to NPC for approval by September of every year.
- Authorize the releases of funds for agreed activities and ensure timely and appropriate reporting on progress and problems of Program implementation, including Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, a Mid-Term Review Report. Audit Reports and Project Completion Report, in accordance with agreed reporting format.
- Coordinate and fully participate in the activities of the Banks supervision missions with all national stakeholders in the mission activities.
- Ensure that all program staff prepare and agree on performance objectives and criteria at the beginning of every year. Appraise program staff performance on monthly and annual basis.
- Undertake any other responsibility that will ensure smooth and effective implementation of the Program.
Qualifications and Experiences
- Master’s degree or equivalent in Agriculture, Rural Development, or a related Science, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness together with postgraduate qualification or proven specialized training in project management.
- Minimum of 8 years post qualification experience in the coordination of donor-funded (preferably multilateral) projects/programs with proven leadership, team building and effective communication qualities. Experience with community-based and/or small holder-oriented development initiatives is desirable.
- Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate, and monitor his/her own work plan and those of subordinate staff.
- Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and to make appropriate links in work processes and anticipate next steps.
- Self-motivated
- Excellent interpersonal and team building skills, including negotiation skills
- Excellent written and spoken communication skills, including presentations.
- Computer literacy with proficient knowledge of Microsoft Word. Excel and Power Point applications.
- Well-developed organizational skills
- Thorough knowledge of Government and private sector institutional and organizational structures and operations in general. Experience in Nigeria is required.
Reporting and location
- The position will be in the ZPCT Office. The ZPC will report directly to NPC as well as indirectly to the Zonal Program Steering Committee (ZPSC).
- As the secretary to the ZPSC, the ZPC will also tenors to the ZPSC.
Terms of Appointment
Maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Zonal Agro-Processing/Agribusiness Officer
Main Responsibilities
- Reporting to the Zonal Program Coordinator, the Zonal Agro-Processing/Agribusiness Officer will assess the constraint on agro processing/agribusiness and develop a road map and strategy for modernizing the agro-processing industry.
Specific Duties:
- Identify the main institutional, infrastructure. and technical constraints to increasing value addition in agriculture, including barriers to entry of the private sector.
- Assess the technical adequacy of the agro-processing industry and, together with the agribusiness specialist on the NPCT, recommend interventions to improve and modernize the industry.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least a Bachelors Degree in Agricultural Economics, Marketing or Business Management
- A Masters degree in any one of these areas is added advantage.
- At least 8 years experience in farm planning and economic analysis with extensive experience in small to medium scale agro-enterprise management.
- He/She will have extensive practical experience in the domestic agro-processing industry. Experience with externally funded development programs would be desirable, preferably with experience in market oriented projects
- Demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate. monitor, and report on his/her own work plan, including meeting deadlines.
- Self-motivated, team player, able to work with minimum supervision
- Excellent interpersonal and community outreach skills.
- Computer literate with proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (Word and Excel).
- Familiarity with results-based management.
- Working knowledge of the operational modalities for national and international NGOs is desirable.
Location and Reporting
Officers of the ATASP-1 will be located at the Zonal Program Headquarters, reporting to their respective Zonal Program Coordinators.
Terms of Appointment
maximum of five years, renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance. The performance criteria will be the indicator for assessing every officer.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit ten (10) copies of his/her application. All application should be addressed to the following addresses, depending on the State and Stable Crop Processing Zone of Interest:
Adani-Omor Stable Crop Processing Zone
Enugu State:
The Permanent Secretary,
Enugu State Ministry of Agriculture,
No 1, Garden Avenue,
Enugu State.
Anambra State:
The Hon. Commissioner,
Anambra State Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development,
ADP Compound, Kwata Junction,
Km 41 Enugu, Onitsha Express Road,
Anambra State.
Bida-Badeggi Staple Crop Processing Zone
Niger State:
The Permanent Secretary,
Niger State Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development,
Abdulkarim Lafene Secretariat,
Niger State.
Kano-Jigawa Stable Crop Processing Zone
Kano State:Kano State Ministry of Agriculture & Natural Resources,
No 1, Bida Road,
Off Post Office Road,
By Civic Centre Road,
Kano State.
Jigawa State:
The Permanent Secretary,
Jigawa State Ministry of Agriculture & Natural Resources,
Block B, New State Secretariat Complex,
Jigawa State.
Kebbi-Sokoto Stable Crop Processing Zone
Kebbi State:
The Permanent Secretary,
Kebbi State Ministry of Agriculture,
Gwadan Gwaji State Secretariat Complex,
Birnin Kebbi,
Kebbi State.
Sokoto State:
The IFAD-CBARDP Coordinator,
ADP Premisis,
Abdullahi Fodio Road,
Sokoto State.
All application must be addressed and delivered to the above address. Applicants should ensure that the position applied for as well as State and the Zones are clearly written on the top right hand corner of the envelope.
Note: Only Short listed candidates will be contacted.
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