Thursday, March 3, 2016

Career Job at Cuso International

Company Description
Cuso International has supported Nigerias development priorities since 1961, working in the education, health and HIV/AIDS, and secure livelihoods sectors, supporting youth employability and entrepreneurship, and is the executing agency for the YOULEAD project, supported by the Government of Canada.

Job Title: Access To Quality Health Services Advisor

Job Description
All placements will help contribute to the Access to Quality Health Services (AQHS) project of Cuso International’s Volunteers for International Cooperation and Empowerment (VOICE) program, funded by the Canadian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), and Cuso International. The AQHS project in Nigeria focuses on improving access to quality of care provided by frontline health workers and will target: Respectful care, Women’s participation in decision making and Access to health information and services for young people.
The AQHS planned activities shall support amongst others, capacity building for staffs nurses/midwives at practicum sites for better supervision of potential CHEWs; Capacity building for staffs of relevant agencies to supervise health workers; Support capacity building of health workers on respectful care, SRH, community participation in service delivery. On the demand side, the AQHS project shall support NGO partners to build capacity of community groups on Gender, Policy Advocacy, Health Budget tracking, Maternal Health research, monitoring of service delivery. The weight on demand of the VOICE project is: Coordination, Advocacy and Collaboration.
Placements will be of varying length, but generally placements will be between three months and one year. There will also be possibilities for volunteers to contribute to the program remotely as e-volunteers. E-volunteers can be those who volunteer their time before or after a placement in-country, but also for those who are unable to travel overseas but would like to contribute.

Job Qualification

Job Category
Medical, Health

Method of Application

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Career Job at Cuso International


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